How to be a Good Mom: Mothering with an Eternal Perspective

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Have you ever wondered how to be a good mom? When we commit to mothering with an eternal perspective, we’re on the right track to being the best moms we can be.


Today we’re talking about how to be a better mom, but more specifically, mothering with an eternal perspective.

This is a topic that I have been thinking a lot about lately. And so I wanted to open up the conversation and share some of my thoughts with you regarding this, especially when thinking about it from the perspective of mothering for eternity. And what I mean by that is thinking about eternity. As we know, when it’s all said and done, Jesus is going to come back.

We’re going to spend forever with Him, right? Do you ever just have times where you just stop and think about the fact that like forever is a long time? We’re going to spend forever with our heavenly father in heaven. For those of us who have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. And it’s an incredible thing, but we’re thinking about that.

And we’re bringing it into our motherhood. Motherhood is not just for us to say, Oh, like these are my kids. We’re here on earth. We’re going to go take all these family trips. Like all of that is great, but thinking about it from a deeper perspective like, what is my purpose? With these children that the Lord has given me, what am I supposed to be doing with these children?

I think when we think about it from that perspective, it helps to guide our actions and our behaviors on a day-to-day basis. I mean, when you think about even when you have those tough mommy moments, right, especially, if your kid is getting into something, you feel yourself getting a little frustrated or irritable having an eternity.

An Eternal Mindset

Mindset is going to help us to be intentional within our motherhood journey. So let’s kind of dive into thinking about being good stewards, because, at the end of the day, the Lord has blessed you with your children to steward them well. And there are so many Bible verses that talk about how children are a blessing children are a gift from God and He’s given them to us so that we can steward them for His glory at the end of the day.

That is what it’s about our children belong to God he created them and He sent His Son and paid the price for them and bled so that He could be their Heavenly Father adopt Him into His family and have them forever at the end of the day that is the whole story. That’s the point. That’s the purpose.

But while we’re here on earth, He has given them to us so that we can steward them properly so that we can teach them how to pray, how to listen for His voice, how to be obedient to Him, how to study His word, how to be ambassadors for Christ. That is what we should be doing as mothers. When we look at things like social media and just the society that we live in today, a lot of times there is this pressure that says, “Oh, you should be more than just a mom.”

Like you should be doing other things too. Like you should be accomplishing something. You should have these other achievements. Like, “Oh, you’re just a mom. I stay at home. I’m like, “Oh, you’re just a mom to your kids. Like, what else do you do?” That is typically a thing that we see being said or even just an underlying insinuation.

But at the end of the day, when we slow down and think about why we’re all here, we think about eternity. It’s like, it’s not just a mom. The role of a mother is so important and so valuable because you have now been given these little souls and you have the opportunity to pour into them and point them to Jesus so that those souls can go to heaven and spend eternity with Christ.

And while they’re here on the earth, they can be a light and a witness and ambassador for Christ as well. They can do what God created them to do because, at the end of the day, it’s all about God and his glory. So if you ever feel like, “Oh, I shouldn’t be doing more” or “Oh, look at these people on Instagram.”

Like, look at this lady on Instagram. She makes me feel like I should be doing more. Like what I’m doing at home is not enough. No, what you’re doing at home is so important and so valuable. What matters most to God. And when you think about it from that perspective, like what matters most to God, like is working your way up the corporate ladder solely for yourself and making a bunch of money and having these accomplishments and these accolades, is that the most important thing to God?


Is that why He placed us here on earth? Not saying those things are bad. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with them, but I think it’s important that we slow down enough to really think about why we’re here and what God wants from us doing things specifically solely for ourselves. Like if it’s only just money driven, if it’s only just, “Oh, I have these accomplishments. I want to prove something as a woman, if that’s all it is, and there is no, there are no souls being saved.

There is no eternity in mind. It’s pointless. It doesn’t. There’s not value in that when we’re talking about eternity, and even the scripture talks about not storing your treasures on earth, right? And so thinking about it from that perspective, the mom has a truly valuable job. We are literally talking about a whole soul. If you have multiple kids. There are multiple souls here and they need to be trained up in the Lord so that they can come to know God for themselves. They can have a personal relationship with Jesus. They can go out and, and, and minister the gospel. Because that at the end of the day is what Christ instructs us to do, right?

The Great Commission

The great commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel. So when you’re a mom, you have the opportunity and the privilege to raise these children up, to be equipped to do that, right? Not only that, it requires a certain level of intentionality and a certain level of strategy at play.

It’s not just, I’m going to do what I want to do. And I’m going to say, Send them off and let the world steward them and let the world teach them and let the world train them because guess what? They’re not gonna do it the way that God wants it done. They’re not gonna do it the way that you should be doing it because again, the Bible gives us a specific set of instructions.

It is our blueprint. It tells us exactly what we should be doing and how to do it. So to throw our children out to the world and let the world. Steward them and let the world teach and train them, whether it be in the daycares, the preschools, the elementary schools, or the public school system, they have their own agenda.

They are not going to steward your children the way that God would like you to do it. They’re not going to teach and train. Your children, the way that you should be doing it from a biblical perspective because that’s that’s not their goal, right? We, we get, there’s, there’s two different goals there. When you think about it from that perspective, it helps you to prioritize what is most important.

Not only that, it helps you to really understand just how important your job is, and just how valuable you are as a mom. It doesn’t have to be a difficult or intimidating task. It’s a big job, but it doesn’t have to be difficult or intimidating. Intimidating task because it’s all in the word of God, right?

Teach your children how to pray, how to listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit. Teach them how to read and study His word and be obedient to the word of God. As well as, how to submit to God and how to take a stand for Him. In these last days- all of those things are important. When the rest of the world is going contrary to the word of God, teach your children how to take a stand, have courage, be brave, and go in that opposite direction simply because they want to be obedient to God. They want to please him.

That is our role. I think sometimes it’s easy to get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day and we need to do this… We have to pay these bills and we need to make this money and it’s easy to get caught up in that. And then what’s happening now is women, moms are getting so caught up in that.

Or even we see a lot of social media getting caught up in, “Oh, I need to build an empire. I need to be an influencer or have this platform. I need to do all these things.” And we’re seeing that these families, I don’t know about you, but I’ve been seeing a lot of these mom influencers and their families are starting to fall apart.

how to be a good mom, mothering for eternity

Why? Because it’s the wrong perspective. It’s the wrong mentality getting so caught up in doing the stuff over here that now you’re neglecting to do, to do the most important things, which is teaching and training your children. And you all know, I always say it is very, Easy to get them while they’re young.

It can still be done while they’re older, but it’s very easy if you have young children like I do. It’s a great time to mold and shape them because they’re pliable. They’re watching you. You can just model things and it’s going to be easier for them to catch that. It’s going to be easier for them to receive that.

We Must Teach Our Children

And so it’s important to make sure that we are prioritizing that over anything else. Because that is what’s going to last. That is the work that matters. One instruction that we see in the word, is in Deuteronomy 11, it says

...that you shall teach them to your children. The word of God says we should be teaching the word of God.

To our children, we should, we should be speaking them, uh, when we sit in our house, when we walk, when we lie down when we rise up. So going to bed at night, and waking up in the morning, you should be talking about the word of God with your children, right? The money, the doorposts of. your house and on your gates, right?

You have some scripture throughout your house. You should be speaking the word of God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. This applies to our children. How can you expect them to grow up and live in this wicked, twisted, hot mess of a world if you have not fully equipped them by speaking the word of God, or if you’ve only allowed them to be exposed to the word of God in church, or you only say a quick little prayer at night.

No, they need to be. inundated with the word of God, just like we do. We need to constantly be hearing and hearing the word of God. That’s how we grow in faith and how our spirits remain strong, right? You have to constantly be feeding on the word of God. You want to do that same thing with your children.

photo of woman holding brown book with her child

And it doesn’t have to be super complex. It doesn’t have to be super difficult, especially if you have young children, no one’s saying you have to sit down for four hours at a time, you know, and study. You know using the concordance. No, you don’t have to do that with your children But you should be talking about the word of god in this bible verse here that we just looked at It says you should be talking about it day and night included in your conversations Right and we can talk about how to do that going forward but When your child is, you know, maybe they’re sitting quietly, you ask them to sit down and wait for you to, you know, complete a task so that you can bring them, let’s say a snack and they sit there quietly and they follow directions.

That is an opportunity to bring in the word of God. You can talk about patience. That’s the word of God. That’s the fruit of the spirit. Oh, I’m so thankful that, you practice patience. That makes God happy. He wants us to have the fruit of the spirit and that’s one of the fruit of the spirit. Patience.

You were waiting quietly, right? That’s talking about the word of God. You know, another way that you can do that is to bring in the topic of obedience where scripture talks about children, obeying our parents. You can commend your child for being obedient and following directions that make God happy.

That’s what He says to do in His word. There are very simple ways that you can teach these things. But at the end of the day, you want to make sure that you are planting those seeds and that you are teaching them. Again, it doesn’t have to be a very structured and regimented, uh, let’s sit down at a desk and no, it doesn’t have to be that it can be in your day-to-day.


You can literally be in the car, at the store, or at home. You can have bath time or be outside playing and you can still instill these things. But in order to do that, we’ve got to be intentional about knowing our role as mothers and understanding that we are stewarding these children for God.

And that is a very high call and a very valuable job. And we want to make sure that we’re doing it and doing it. Well, Psalms 127 tells us that children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward. They’re like arrows in the hand of a warrior and so are the children of your youth. So here we see the scripture telling us that your children are a reward and their heritage from the Lord.

And so we want to make sure that we are. Tending to them properly. They are a gift. We look at Ezekiel 16 20. I want to just encourage you You know as we look at this not to sacrifice your kids for the things of the world here it says in verse 20,

 moreover, you took your sons and your daughters whom you bore to me And these you sacrificed to them to be devoured here.

We see that the um, The people of God here were, were sacrificing their children. They were putting other things before the mandate that God had given them. And so I encourage you to not be that person, to not take your sons or your daughters, And sacrifice them to be devoured just handing them over to the world And letting the world do as they please that’s the easiest thing to do.

Yeah. Is that what you should be doing? No, you’re going to have to give account to god from however you steward your children um, so I just want to encourage you to think of motherhood from that perspective from an eternal perspective keep eternity in mind. Why did God give you these children?

What is it that He wants from you? What does He expect? Expecting you to do with them, and then you prioritize things within your day or your life. From that perspective, if you have children, especially young children, stewarding those children, raising those children, teaching them, and training them up in the Lord is the most important job that you can ever have in this season of your life.

So make sure that you are doing your job and doing it well, for the glory of God. Don’t allow the world, social media, and society to tell you otherwise because God’s way is the best and you will never regret it. Feel free to share this with another mama who can use this encouragement and I will talk to you soon.

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