How to Spend Time with Family

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In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily routines, deadlines, and distractions. Spending quality time with our families can easily get overlooked if we let it. In a time where it’s easy to become immersed in virtual worlds or busy juggling responsibilities, one can find themselves inadvertently drifting apart from those who matter most. Remember, the most precious gift we can give our family is our time and undivided attention. Let’s dive in and discover how to spend time with family intentionally.

How to Spend Quality Time with Family

1. Enjoy a Family Movie or Game Night

If you’ve been searching for ideas on how to spend time with family, you may enjoy this first idea. Schedule a family movie night and enjoy each other’s company. Select a movie together, pop some popcorn, and grab your favorite snacks and beverages. 

Get cozy with your family and enjoy the movie. Depending on your preference, you can chat about the movie as you watch it or wait until it’s over to share your thoughts and feelings.

A similar option is to host a family game night. Grab all your family’s favorite games and have a light-hearted and fun time. You can play music in the background or order a pizza to enjoy while playing. 

If your family is competitive, you may even decide to have some friendly competition and play for prizes. Be sure to set some rules before beginning so that everyone is clear on the expectations and you can enjoy a fun light-hearted night.

2. Spend Time with Family During Dinner

This may sound traditional but it is very valuable for families. Sit down and enjoy a family meal together. Use this time to put the technology away, enjoy a delicious meal, and talk. Family dinners are a great opportunity for fellowship. 

You and your loved ones can talk about your day, share something funny, express your feelings, laugh together, etc. This is a great way to spend uninterrupted quality time together and allow each member of your family to feel valued and heard. If you aren’t currently doing this, consider making this a regular family routine!

3. Have Fun Cooking or Baking Together

Wanna know how you can spend time with family and have fun together in a unique way? Cook together! This can be done in so many different ways so that it doesn’t get redundant. You can bake cookies with your toddler. Enjoy a romantic date night with your husband and cook a delicious meal together. 

Get the whole family involved and give each person a task to work on to contribute towards the recipe. If you have older children, break up into teams and have each team cook the same dish and compare the results.

Cooking or baking is a unique way to bring your family together to work on a common goal and you can enjoy the fruit of your labor afterwards. Turn it up a notch by playing music and dancing while you cook. Or have meaningful conversations and get to know each other better. It can be as playful or as serious as your family would like. Just have fun and be safe!

4. Get Creative with Arts & Crafts

With technology at our fingertips, we don’t have to create new arts and crafts ideas on our own. Check Pinterest or scroll social media for some fun ideas and gather your materials. You can choose to do one craft or a variety of crafts and activities on the same day.

While you can have a blast doing this alone with your toddler, think of how much more fun it would be to include the whole family! You can make special memories by working on a large craft together or creating your own individual versions of the same idea.

5. Exercise Together

Another simple way to spend time with your family is to exercise together. Your family may choose to go for a family walk or run outside. You can ride bikes together or enjoy a fun day swimming at the pool. You could go to the gym together, or stay indoors, turn on Youtube, and do a guided workout together. Consider taking a dance class or attending Zumba as a family. There are so many ways to exercise. Choose what your family enjoys and do it together.

Spend Quality Time with Family

6. Take a Fun Family Vacation

I don’t know about you, but I love family trips and vacations! They are a great way to spend time with family and make memories together. Remember, a family trip doesn’t always have to be extravagant or expensive. While you absolutely can take a fun family trip to the Bahamas on a cruise ship, there are other ways you can enjoy a trip together as well. Consider a staycation where you pack an overnight back and spend a night or two at a resort locally. Take a road trip together or drive to another city to enjoy a fun activity. The goal is to enjoy quality family time, enjoy lots of laughs and make new memories!

7. Read Together Daily

There is so much power in reading. There’s no better way than to share this with your family. There are so many ways you can do this. You can read a family devotional every day or read the bible together. You and your husband can read a book to your kids each night. My family likes this Illustrated Children’s Bible. You can also read a book with your husband. If you have different schedules, read the same book on your own and connect to discuss the chapter that you read that day. My husband and I are currently reading an inductive Bible Study: The Key to Living by Faith: Hebrews by Kay Arthur.

If it’s easier for your household, you may prefer listening to an audiobook together and sharing something that stood out to you. If you’re busy and on the go, try writing bible verses on index cards and read at least one each day together as a family and try to memorize it. Once everyone memorizes the verse, move on to a new verse.

8. Worship and Go to Church Together as a Family

Attending church together is a great practice. This is a wonderful way to instill great values and habits into your children while planting good seeds in their hearts. The key is not only to attend church together but also to live a life that pleases God on the days when you aren’t sitting in the church building. 

Ramp up your spiritual well-being as a family by worshipping and praying together at home on a regular basis while working towards obeying what God instructs in His word. Establish this as a lifestyle so that it becomes normal, natural, and comfortable for your family.

9. Schedule a Regular Family Day

The final idea that I want to recommend for those who want to know how to spend time with family is to schedule a family day. Plan a day each week when your family will be intentional about spending time together. Choose a day that will work for everyone’s schedule, for example, Saturday or Sunday. 

If you all don’t have a whole day available due to schedules, that’s okay. Select a block of time when you all will spend time together. For example Sundays from 4 pm-6 pm. The key is to make it a priority and make time to make it happen. On your family day, feel free to try any of the activities listed above or come up with some new ideas by asking your family what they would like to do. Have fun!

2 thoughts on “How to Spend Time with Family”

  1. I love this sweet post and all your helpful tips and ideas. Spending time with our families is such a treasure and so important! Love this Larissa … 🙏💕

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