God is My Provider: An Uplifting Devotional for Wives 

God is My Provider Encouragement for Wives

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Often, we grow up being taught to marry a man with money. Marrying a man who can provide is usually ingrained in a woman’s mind. “Your husband is your provider.” may be etched into your brain.

But what happens if a husband loses his job, he gets called into full-time ministry, God gives him a new unexpected task, or he gets sick for a time? What if a wife finds herself widowed? Many women find that throughout the marriage, their financial stability doesn’t feel as stable during some seasons of their marriage because life happens.

When life happens, many wives are unprepared to deal with the change and get through the season gracefully. Instead, they find themselves resenting their husbands. This can be avoided by a simple shift in mindset. 

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 KJV

Elisha and the Widow’s Oil

In 2 Kings 4, we witness a situation where life happened. A widow’s godly husband died but left the family in debt. She was at risk of losing her two sons as a result. Her husband was no longer able to provide for her or her family.

A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.” 2 Kings 4:1 NKJV

As you continue to read this story, you’ll find that ultimately, God provided for this sweet widow. He used Elisha to instruct her to get jars and use her only jar of oil to fill each jar until there were no more jars. She was obedient and once all jars were full, the oil stopped.

This woman was then instructed to sell the oil. She was able to pay the debt and still had enough for her and her sons to live on. She and her children had a financial need that her husband wasn’t able to meet and what happened?

God provided! The Lord took care of her and her family! This is a lesson that we as wives and mothers must learn. No matter what season your husband is in, God is your provider!

Yes, it is man’s God-designed role to provide for his wife in children. However, a wife must understand that God is her ultimate provider. He is the primary source for her and her family. 

God will use your husband as a means of provision to take care of you and your family, However, if life happens in this imperfect world, all hope is not lost. God will provide, but you must trust Him to do so.

God is My Provider wife stressed about finances

If You’re Tired of Financially Supporting Your Husband

You may experience a season in your marriage when you are the primary provider for your family. Don’t be discouraged. Several women find themselves in this situation at one time or another. Typically this season doesn’t last a lifetime depending on your particular circumstance.

Remember to keep your heart right and don’t allow the enemy to tempt you to resent your husband. This is a common tactic he uses in an attempt to sever marriages. 

Here are some things you can do if you are currently financially supporting your husband when you prefer him to provide for you:

1. Pray for Your Husband and Your Situation

Commit to praying for your husband. Pray that God orders his steps and gives him wisdom. Ask the Lord to open doors of opportunity for your husband. If he needs motivation, pray about that too. Be sure to pray and speak God’s word over your current situation. Declare that “This too shall pass.”

2. Respect Your Husband

Instead of resenting your husband, be intentional about respecting him. The Bible commands wives to respect their husbands. You may feel like he does not deserve respect depending on the situation. However, it is your job to be obedient to God.

Love that man, respect him, and speak kindly to him. Serve him with patience and continue to pray for him and things will turn around for the better. However, you must be diligent and do not give up.

Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, 2 when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. 1 Peter 3:1-2 NKJV

Your behavior and actions make a huge difference and they will determine how your husband responds to you.

3. Protect Your Marriage

Do not allow other people into your marriage. Choose not to share your financial business with family and friends. Don’t speak disrespectfully about your husband. Keep your business within your home between you two and God.

Even if you both agree to seek outside financial support, stay on your husband’s side. Speak positively about him and speak life over him. Don’t say bad things about him and don’t attempt to make him look bad.

4. Trust God as Your Provider

Understand that God is your ultimate provider. He is your source. There may be seasons in life when He may not use your husband as a means of provision. He may provide for you in other ways.

Trust God. Believe that He will make sure that the needs of you and your family are met. He will never leave you or forsake you. God is always present to help you.

Place your faith firmly in Him and do not doubt. He is the only constant in life here on earth because God does not change and His word is true.

The Bible says that your Maker is your husband. Even if your earthly husband is unable to perform financially as you’d like, God is also your Husband and He can be fully relied upon always.

For your Maker is your husband,

The Lord of hosts is His name; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth. Isaiah 54:5 NKJV

5. Be Strong in This Season

Be strong. Don’t give up on your husband, your marriage, or life itself. Money comes and goes, but what God establishes is long-lasting.

To be strong, you must abide in Jesus. Read the Bible and get it into your heart. When negative thoughts come, combat them with the word of God. Speak God’s word out loud over your life, your husband, and your marriage and family.

Meditate on God’s word throughout the day until it is your dominating thought. Your thought life is powerful. Make sure your thoughts are positive and glorify God.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10 NKJV


Never forget that God is your husband and your ultimate source. No matter what happens in this life, you can rely on Him. He is Jehovah Jireh, your provider. 

He loves you and will always take care of His children no matter what. You must believe and trust Him and only speak His word no matter what the situation looks like.

Choose to walk by faith. Ask God to help you respect your husband and protect your marriage. Pray for grace so that you may truly trust God and learn to completely rely on Him for every need to be met. Remind yourself out loud, “God is my provider!”

Be encouraged sister!

Book That Will Bless You During This Season:

How God Taught Me About Prosperity by Kenneth E Hagin

God’s Creative Power for Finances by Charles Capps

Words by Kenneth E Hagin

You Can Have What You Say by Kenneth E Hagin

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

4 thoughts on “God is My Provider: An Uplifting Devotional for Wives ”

  1. This is such important and practical advice! Finances can be TOUGH on a marriage. We just went through this last year for about 6 months when my husband’s company shut its doors! You’re right, though–God will provide!

  2. So much Godly wisdom here in this post. Thank you for sharing! Our marriages are often under attack, so this is helpful.

    1. Toddler Mom Diaries

      Aw, Praise God! Thank you for your feedback! Yes, we must stand firm and not surrender to the enemy’s attacks on marriages.

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