“God Fix My Husband!” and What You Should Pray Instead to Get Results

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Do you find yourself asking God to fix or change your husband? Do you believe that if he just changed that one issue, things would be better? When you don’t understand why your husband does what he does, your natural response may be to pray “Ugh! God Fix  My Husband!” In this article, let’s take a look at a better way to pray in order to actually get results. 

God Change My Husband 

A Complaining & Quarlesome Wife

How many times have you heard of wives complaining about their husbands leaving dirty clothes on the floor or forgetting to put the toilet seat down? Better yet, how many times have you found yourself complaining about these things?

It can be easy to do, especially when that example is set before us. We hear other wives complain. We see it in movies and media. It appears to be a common and normal thing according to society’s standards.

Let’s look at what the Bible says about complaining & nagging:

It’s better to live alone in the corner of an attic  than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home.

Proverbs 21:9 NLT

It’s better to live alone in the desert than with a quarrelsome, complaining wife.

Proverbs 21:19 NLT

A quarrelsome wife is as annoying as constant dripping on a rainy day.

 Proverbs 27:15 NLT

A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.

Proverbs 14:1 NLT

In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words. They will be won over by observing your pure and reverent lives.

1 Peter 3:1-2 NLT

How to Pray for Your Husband Effectively

Instead of getting before God and venting to Him with your laundry list of complaints about your hubby, I encourage you to take a different approach. Seek to see your husband with love and grace. 

Take a moment to think about all of his wonderful qualities. Think about the time when you fell in love. It’s very likely that the positive will outweigh the negative. But the enemy’s job is to steal, kill, and destroy so he will have you counting up all the things you think your man does wrong. Don’t fall for it.

When it comes to grace, remember that we all have our hangups and we all need grace and mercy. God is the ultimate example of what it looks like to extend grace when undeserved. Isn’t that what grace is anyway? Undeserved kindness.

So, if God is willing to extend grace and mercy to us, shouldn’t we as wives be more willing to follow that example and extend grace to our husbands? So, as you prepare for your prayer time, consider these things before you launch into everything that you believe is wrong.

Pray for Your Husband Effectively

1. Practice Gratitude

Remember all the great qualities about your man that you just recalled? Thank God for those things. Is he a loving husband? A good provider? Is he helpful? Is he a good father? Thank God for these things. Bonus points if you express this same gratitude to your husband!

2. Respect Your Husband

This is so important, yet many wives slip on this one. No matter how frustrated you may feel, be respectful. When you respect your husband, you are communicating love to him. This is the way to his heart that will cause him to respond in love to you. Sorry to break it to ya Sis, but berating and nagging him for what he isn’t doing, is not going to yield the results you desire. In fact, it will only make matters worse.

When you go before God regarding your husband, you should still be respectful. After all, the bible instructs wives to respect their husbands. If you want God to honor your prayer, you first must be obedient to His commands.

So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Ephesians 5:33 NLT

3. Surrender it to God

Cast your cares upon the Lord. Lay it all at His feet. You can be honest and share your heart with God. There’s no point in holding on to it. Surrender it to God knowing that no problem is too hard for Him. Nothing is impossible for God. Allow Him to work in your life and your marriage in the way He sees fit. Your job is to surrender, be obedient, and trust Him. Even if He leads you to do something that you didn’t anticipate…like apologies.

4. Ask God How You Can Improve

You may not have been expecting this, but ask God how you can improve, What can you do to be a better wife to your husband? How can you better serve him, respect him, and love him? Ask the Lord to work in your heart and to help you to be the wife your husband needs. This is an act of humility and God will honor it. He will show you what He wants you to do and if you’ll take heart and do as He leads, you won’t go wrong. Trust Him!

Prayer  for Your Husband

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your goodness. I’m grateful for your grace and mercies that are new every morning. Thank you for my husband. I thank you that he is________ (fill in the blank). Lord, I choose to obey You and Your word and respect my husband.

Today, I cast my cares upon you as you’ve instructed me to do in 1 Peter 5:7. I’m concerned about__________ (fill in the blank). I surrender this to you. I ask that you give me wisdom on handling this situation. Help me to please you in my decision-making. Show me what I need to do. I also ask that you will work in my heart and continue to shape me into the woman you’ve called me to be. Help me to be the wife that my husband needs and help me to honor you.

Thank you that nothing is too hard for you. No situation is impossible for you. I trust you to cause all things to work together for my good. Thank you for these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

Since we use our words to complain, I encourage you to check out this article about the power of your words.

8 thoughts on ““God Fix My Husband!” and What You Should Pray Instead to Get Results”

  1. This is SO good and much needed today! God walked me through this too as a young wife back in the day. We wives have to partner with God in raising up our husbands to take their rightful role as godly and gentle leaders of the household. Lol it takes lots of patience and lots and lots and lots of prayer and hanging in there with God while He grows our hubbies up in spiritual maturity. Love this post sweet sister! You are doing awesome … 🙏💕

    1. Toddler Mom Diaries

      Amen! You are spot on, Donna! Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! I truly appreciate it! <3

  2. Thank you for your prayer in this post. A very specific and important prayer point for my husband was impressed on my heart as I prayed the prayer, and I will continue to commit to praying for him. God bless you and all you do in Him and for Him.

    1. Toddler Mom Diaries

      Praise God! Continue to lift him up in prayer, sweet Sister. It’s a beautiful thing when God leads us and guides us in our marriages! Blessings to you!

  3. Loved this. Today is actually my anniversary of 19 years! When I was first married, I was really bad about complaining about him, but I’ve grown up since then and understand that it’s not OK. Great post!!

    1. Toddler Mom Diaries

      Thank you Rebecca! Congratulations on 19 years! Wow! Happy Anniversary! May God continue to bless you two and your union.

  4. What a wonderful post. Thank you. I always think about the biblical descriptions of quarrelsome and complaining wives and so do not want to be one. This will certainly help when I find myself headed that way.

    1. Toddler Mom Diaries

      Hey Deborah! Thanks for your comment and feedback. It definitely serves as a good self-check for all of us!

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