A Little About Me. Welcome to Toddler Mom Diaries! 

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Hey Momfriend! I’m LaRissa J.I’m so glad that you are here! Before we begin our journey together, I feel it’s only right to introduce myself and tell you a bit about me and my story. So, if you’re new here, welcome!

I’m LaRissa J. I’m a wife and a mother. My little princess just turned 2! Before becoming who I am now, I was a mom in survival mode. But not anymore! And that doesn’t have to be you either!

As you know, there are so many things that come with being a mom and those are the things I want to share with you here on my website. So, grab a snack and let’s get started. Stay until the end for some encouragement. I’m so thankful to be on this journey with you!

about me teaching toddler alphabet

About Me and My Story

Something you may find interesting about me is that I was an elementary classroom teacher for 11 years! I taught 3rd grade, 4th grade, and even Kindergarten. I also have experience working in Children’s Ministry, Daycare, and a Mother’s Day Out program. Isn’t it obvious that I just love children? They are truly a gift from God!

At some point in our journey, I’d love to share resources, ideas, and tips that I’ve learned over the many years I’ve spent working with children daily. There are so many wonderful nuggets that I can share to benefit us as moms.

But for now, back to my story! My husband, Ja’Van, and I met on social media (Youtube & Twitter)! We were in a long distance courtship, we got engaged after about 7 months, and we were married about 4 months after that. 

We were married for about 2 years before we decided to conceive our first child. I’m so thankful for my birth story because I had an unmedicated birth at home, and I delivered my daughter in my bedroom in our bed (Yes, everything was sanitary). If you’re interested in learning more about my birth story with my firstborn, stay tuned.

Why I Quit Teaching 

At 5 months postpartum, I went back to work in the classroom. That is when everything changed. It hurt so badly to leave my 5 month old while I went to work with other people’s children. While it was a blessing to have an impact and make a difference, it was heartbreaking to not be able to see some of my baby girl’s “firsts” when they happened.

Some moms can get over it and continue the routine, but I was determined to see change. The state of education and the entire classroom experience was on the decline in public schools and that just made me crave to be home with my own child even more. I became torn. I needed to work but I also innately needed to be home with my baby.

This put me in a season where I battled with worry, overwhelm, exhaustion, and anxiety. I was stressed. My attitude had declined. I was miserable and I didn’t like the person I was becoming because I felt like I was no longer graced to do what I had been doing, and I felt trapped. 

Winter break and Spring break were how I made it through that season. It was during those breaks when I had time to spend an hour or more each day in the presence of God. (Yes, I’m a believer) Those times reading my Bible and allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to me and comfort me is what delivered me from the challenges that came with such a hard season of life. 

I Chose Not to Do it Anymore 

During that season, I was overwhelmed, miserable, and exhausted. I was burnt out. I couldn’t keep up with my housework and that made me feel more stressed (especially since I’m an organized person) and I was often too worn out with the school day circus to prepare & cook healthy and nutritious meals. Teaching took so much out of me. I was running on fumes, and simply over it all.

Work was a mess, I was drowning with household responsibilities, and I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was only getting 2-3 hours a day to spend with my little family. Something about that just didn’t feel right. God created and designed family after all, and I was spending more time with many other people than the ones He blessed me with in my own home.

After all of that, I made my decision: my deepest desire was to serve my husband, be a mom and raise my daughter and tend to my home. And that’s exactly what I set out to do. That summer, I took a huge leap of faith and resigned from teaching.

LaRissa J Toddler Mom Diaries Husband

So, What Changed About Me?

When I left the classroom, I didn’t have any other plan but to be home with my daughter. Like I said, it was a huge leap of faith. And in the beginning that faith walk was extremely hard because I couldn’t see the whole staircase as I took one step at a time.

But I made sure I spent time with God daily. I get up early every morning while the world is still sleeping so that I can be alone with God. And He began to transform my life! He began teaching me things, giving me new desires, renewing my faith and trust in Him. He began to show me things, teach me, and speak to me.

Gradually, as the months rolled by I began to notice the change in myself. I’m a different person than I was a year ago when I left the classroom. While I still don’t have all the answers, and I still don’t see the whole staircase, I have vision. I have purpose and I walk with confidence and excitement.

I get to serve my husband and pour into my daughter. My marriage has become even better and my 2 year old daughter has grown to be so smart. She has more academic skills than some of the 6 year olds I used to teach in public school.

I cook healthy and nutritious meals for my family. I have more energy, joy, peace, and I’m not stressed! I’ve established a house cleaning routine to keep a tidy home. And most importantly, I get to spend unrestricted time with God daily. I have a powerful morning routine. All of these things are life changing by God’s grace.

You Can Have This Too!

And you can have it too, Mama! You don’t have to be stuck. You don’t have to live life exhausted and weary. Feelings of overwhelm and anxiety don’t have to be yours. 

You can stay home with your baby. You don’t have to be bound by this world’s system and the way society tells us we should live. If you want to be a wife, a mom, you can be. If you want to leave the workplace to raise your kids, you can! Nothing is too hard for God! Do you hear me? Say it out loud: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!

God can transform your life, just like He did mine. But you have to believe. You must have faith and you must know His Word.  And while I can show you how to experience a beautiful life transformation like I did, a relationship with Jesus is the first step. Jesus changes everything!

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